Custom Hearing Protection

About 40 million people in the United States have hearing loss, and 10 million of those cases are due to excessive noise exposure. One of the leading preventable causes of hearing loss is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

To understand how noise can damage us, first, we should learn how we hear in the first place:

  • The sound comes in as sound waves in your ear.
  • The sound goes up through the ear canal to your eardrum. Then, the eardrum vibrates in response.
  • This vibration begins to vibrate three small bones of the middle ear.
  • The inner ear, or cochlea, then picks up those vibrations. This hearing organ is filled with liquid and rows of tiny hair cells that bend in response to the waves, similar to how grass bends in the wind.
  • These hair cell movements turn the sounds into signals that go through the hearing nerve straight to the brain.
  • The brain takes these signals on board and understands them as sound.
This entire process is undermined when the hair cells are damaged. The person is less able to convert such sound waves into signals as effectively, so that sounds are either lost or distorted, unread by the brain correctly.

Understanding Decibels

Understanding Decibels

Units called decibels (dB) measure sound. The louder this is, the higher the decibels recorded.

Sounds under 70 dB don't cause any harm.

Sounds at 85 dB, however, can cause hearing loss if you're exposed to them for more than eight hours.

Custom Hearing Protection with Advanced Level Hearing Center

Custom Hearing Protection with Advanced Level Hearing Center

The secret to guarding your hearing is understanding how noise affects you. The next move is to avoid as much loud noise as possible.

Although regular hearing protection you find at the drug store is useful, for those who demand greater comfort, performance, and durability, custom hearing protection is the way to go.