Hearing Loss
Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions people experience today? Over 48 million people have some degree of hearing loss, making it the third most pervasive medical condition people live with. Though hearing loss is widespread, it is often underdiagnosed. It takes an average of 7 years for people to address their hearing loss symptoms.
Untreated hearing loss has multifaceted effects that can take a toll on daily life in a myriad of ways. This includes straining communication, relationships, social engagement, and work performance. Being able to recognize symptoms and seeking treatment early can profoundly improve hearing health and wellness.
What causes hearing loss?
What causes hearing loss?
Several factors can contribute to the development of hearing loss. A few of the most common causes include the following:
In addition to these factors, other causes of hearing loss include head injuries and inner ear disorders.
What are common hearing loss symptoms?
What are common hearing loss symptoms?
Hearing loss reduces a person’s capacity to hear and process sound and is a condition that typically occurs gradually. This means that people may experience symptoms that remain unnoticed for quite some time which contributes to a delay in treatment. Knowing the signs to look for can help you identify changes you are experiencing in your hearing health. Early signs include the following:
How is hearing loss diagnosed and treated?
How is hearing loss diagnosed and treated?
The first step is to have your hearing health thoroughly evaluated by a professional. Hearing tests involve a painless process that measures your hearing capacity in both ears. This identifies any impairment as well as the specific degree of hearing loss in each ear. Once your hearing health profile is established, this information shapes the best course of treatment.